181 results found for: Gliders (Pilot Regiment, Towing, Operations)

Search results for: Gliders (Pilot Regiment, Towing, Operations)

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JEFFERY, W Michael S (#115)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. ROYAL TANK REGIMENT, ex Wandsworth TERRITORIAL, El…

FOSTER, Bill (#265)

…Wessex HAA Regiment ROYAL ARTILLERY and the 214 SOUTHSEA BATTERY signs for the key role under threat of GERMAN INVASION of the HEAVY ANTI AIRCRAFT REGIMENTS. Surprisingly the roots of this unit when re-embodied in 1939 went back to 5 May, 1860 ‘when the Corps of Artillery Volunteers (Garrison) was…

SEAMAN, Ernest (#129)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Fighting STRETCHER BEARER ROYAL NORFOLK REGIMENT (&…

SMITH, David E (#202)

…THE BLACK WATCH (Royal Highland Regiment) nearly succeeded in joining at 15 like his father in WW1 for the CAMERONIANS later wounded) but was made to wait two more years; an INSTRUCTOR at 17, he joined CDOs with Jimmy Pearson in 1943 into 4 Tp No 6 COMMANDO. As a…

DAUNT, Ivan Decourcey (#251)

…eight children and born 28 Jun 1918 served with 4th Bn Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment in the 1940 North West Europe Campaign in FRANCE and through DUNKIRK, then in the Western Desert and BURMA. Angus’s wife, AUDREY, was a naval tailoress for Chatham and CANADIAN born, whose father,…

WALL, IT Tommy (#258)

…in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Regimental Sergeant Major WO IT Tommy WALL of 2nd Battalion WEST YORKSHIRE Regiment, for its distinguished service in KEREN Eritrea against the Italians and then later in BURMA at the key Defence of the IMPHAL Box against repeated Japanese infiltration and attacks until relieved….

WOOLLETT, John C (#245)

…MA CEng FICE CORPS of ROYAL ENGINEERS: served in 1 Section 23 FIELD COMPANY R.E., in 1 TROOP 6 COMMANDO, and took part in the early, successful COMBINED OPERATIONS RAID on VAAGSO & Maaloy in NORWAY 27 Dec 1941 (after Blenheims bombed the nearby German airfield at Herdla) wrecking oil…

HOLLEMAN, Henk J (#71)

…will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. BOSTONS & MITCHELLS Representing Royal NETHERLANDS AIR FORCE and OUR EUROPEAN ALLIES in AIR, LAND, NAVAL and RESISTANCE OPERATIONS….

BUTLER, Ian B (#60)

…will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. On 221, 38 & 252 Sqns, 247 Wg & 790TU. Representing BLENHEIM, WELLINGTON, BEAUFIGHTER ANTI-SHIPPING search/strike OPERATIONS in MEDITERRANEAN…

NICOLSON, Muriel (#1)

…in writing up our extraordinary signatories. WAR WIDOW of Wing Commander James NICOLSON VC DFC (the only RAF Fighter VC: 72 & 249 Squadrons, TURBINLITE, OC 27 Squadron BEAUFIGHTER operations over BURMA, (killed 2May45) ditched 355 Sqn Liberator. Representing War Widows campaign leader Mrs Iris STRANGE++ & all WAR WIDOWS…

LASH, John E (#131)

…Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Observer Bomb Aimer Gunner for CANADIAN BOMBER FORCE and RCAF 514 Sqn, stationed at RAF Waterbeach, & distinctive courage of Jewish aircrew: 34 LANCASTER operations, crew destroyed 3 a/c….

KANAKAKIS, EJ Joannou (#209)

…later RASC & Roval SUSSEX, for GREECE & its loyal FIGHTING SPIRIT and STEADFAST ENDURANCE in OCCUPIED CRETE & its ISLANDS, especially with the terrible reprisals; here also for the SPECIAL BOAT SERVICE OPERATIONS in the AEGEAN, several of which he carried out with and here signs commemoratively for that…

CHESHIRE, Margaret Susan (#98)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Volunteer for Special Operations Executive, and widow…

BAGLEY, David C (#280)

…Reserve US Naval operations in the Pacific, in particular for the key raids on RABAUL which had become the biggest Japanese base in New Guinea. The Australians tried to restrict its development because of its closeness to the important Imperial Japanes Navy base taken and developed at Truk, where the…

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

…look out for aircraft at Peenemünde which might be pilotless. Her search was under way when on November 28 a de Havilland Mosquito, piloted by Squadron Leader John Merifield returned with a sensational photograph. Aerial reconnaissance view of the V1 launching ramps at the Luftwaffe Test Installation, Peenemunde West, Usedom…

O’BRIEN, Terence P (#147)

…sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Author from NSW, AUSTRALIA, RAF BALLOON COMMAND & two pilot 1940/41 COASTAL BLENHEIM tours, later CHINDIT Air Liaison, 357 SD Sqn FORCE 136 + SEAC….

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…elder brother, RAY, was a US NAVY enlisted PILOT, test flying TRANSPORTS (mainly S-2 Fs) after repair or rebuilds & delivering personnel & VIPs to AUSTRALIA & across the PACIFIC; Paul joined the day after Pearl Harbor (7Dec41) & completed his SAN DIEGO training 2Feb42, aged 17yrs, and was to…

HILL, David (#100)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. American fighter pilot and ‘triple ace’, 12¼…

BRISTOW, Conrad Phillip (#250)

Pilot Lieutenant Conrad Philip BRISTOW for the ROYAL NAVAL AIR SERVICE then Flight Lieutenant as ROYAL AIR FORCE formed on 1 Apr 1918: Philip flew the SHORT 184 for 2 years on ANTI-SUBMARINE PATROL and NAVAL RECONNAISSANCE, mainly from Eastgate. These RN seaplanes (over 900 completed for RNAS – Span…

DeLONG, Phillip C (#292)

…Corps was born in Jackson, Michigan, in 1919. After graduating from university in aeronautical engineering, he would become the leading VMF-212 Squadron fighter pilot and represents the MARINE CORPS contribution to victory in the SOLOMON ISLANDS campaign and that of the inverted gull ‘bent wing’ CORSAIR F-4U-1As in WW2. After…

SALTARELLI, Gene (#125)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Pilot for returning LIBERATOR CREW of 466th…

KUBAREV, Vassili (#281)

…page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Vassili KUBAREV for the SOVIET AIR FORCE and as a pilot for the critical ground support of Soviet troops and their Yak & llyushin fighter bombing on the wide and important Eastern Fronts….

MURRAY, Bridie (#10)

…know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. AIR MINISTRY & WAR WIDOW. In memory of her husband, MOSQUITO observer Flying Officer Fergus Murray DFC (23 & 464 Sqns) & her brother, RAAF pilot Flying Officer Ronald G DAWSON [KIA 21Mar45] on COPENHAGEN GESTAPO HQ RAID….

DISBREY, William D (#89)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. AFC CEng F1MechE pre-war 3 Squadron pilot

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