166 results found for: North Cape (Battle of)

Search results for: North Cape (Battle of)

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ZURAKOWSKI, Stanislaw (#169)

…Military Cross) signs not only for the POLISH ARMY’S fighting prowess at the Battle of CASSINO and in so many other theatres of war but for his father, Stanislaw Ludwik ZURAKOWSKI, Mayor of OSTROG in 1938, and all those 4,000 POLISH military officers and leaders executed in the KATYN MASSACRE…

KINCADE, Paul B (#240)

…stay in the US NAVY for 27 years, having three WW2 Campaign Battle Stars for the AMERICAN Theatre of War, EUROPE & AFRICA and the PACIFIC; in SIGNALS & also as GUNNER’s MATE. He began with the NAVAL ARMED GUARD (with 2.710 dead, they had the HIGHEST CASUALTY RATE; he…

SISMORE, Edward ‘Ted’ Barnes ‘Daisy’ (#79)

…building and they hoped the raid might allow them to escape; but they also hoped that it would destroy much of the documentation on Danish people and the Resistance that the Gestapo held there, thereby frustrating Nazi attempts to punish or imprison them. On both fronts, they were successful. ‘Citation…

Naval & Naval Air

…Norman LOATS USN 6 Battle Stars US NAVY survivor, for VC-10 Sqn at PELELIU in USS GAMBIER BAY CARRIER after Battles 1st PHILIPPINE SEA to Marianas, GUAM, of its sinking & LEYTE GULF protected US invasion [cf. Edwin P. Hoyt’s “The Men of Gambier Bay”] #141 Hugh Stirling MACKENZIE Vice-Admiral…

CLAUSEN, Finn (#163)

…from German soldiers. They had covered a stretch of 250 km when they finally docked at the quay in Søvika, north of Ålesund. They all had more or less serious injuries after the attack they had been subjected to. One was already dead. While German forces searched the area, they…

NEILSON, Ian G (#211)

…GSO2 AOP in HQRA 21 Army Group, though he retained his own Auster allowing him to follow the advance across Europe, including observing the Rhine Crossing, “at 4,500 feet, without interference from German fighters” Neilson flew 55 operational sorties over north-west Europe in his Auster and was awarded the DFC,…

SCARMAN, Leslie (#241)

…spent the first two years of the war behind a desk at Abingdon, the remainder as a staff officer in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Northern Europe, working closely with the Mediterranean Air Commander-in-Chief, Sir Arthur (later Lord) Tedder; Scarman was in the room when General Jodl surrendered to General…

GOULD, Thomas W (#94)

…11 merchant vessels, 4 supply ships and a tug totalling 40,000 tons. Among her crew were two VCs, one DSO, two DSCs, six DSMs and 13 mentions in despatches. (lossow.vamp, Flickr) At about midday on February 16, Thrasher, on patrol off Suva Bay, on the north coast of Crete, torpedoed…

GILLARD, George (#274)

…an overseas BBC war correspondent he would cover the campaigns in North Africa, Italy, Normandy and up to Berlin between 1941and 1945. Frank Gillard was educated at Wellington School, Somerset, and St Luke’s College, Exeter, there gaining a London University BSc and was a pre-war teacher and made some broadcast…


…sight of ruined cities whilst commanding transport wing in Germany, 1945. REEL 5 Continues: use of repeater Oboe during winter 1944-1945; degree of overkill during Allied bombing campaign of 1945; liaison role with 8th US Army Air Force; effect of introduction of North American P-51 Mustang; memories of General James…

MORLEY, Sam (#278)

…also was the unveiling of the new Cenotaph with King George V, as Chief Mourner scattering French soil, specially brought over from France, over the coffin as it was laid to rest. The Verdun had been laid up for 17 years and after some south and north convoys out of…

MANSER, Frank Stanley (#181)

…in NORTH AFRICA including SOUK el ARBA, TAMERA, Djebel Mansour and SICILY’s PRIMOSOLE / CATANIA, then later at ARNHEM by Dakota drop, with take-off from Bourn, where he was shot, part saved on capture by being unsupported well forward, fighting, as always, “with a Thompson machine gun and a Colt…

OLDS, Robin (#97)

…enemy MiG aircraft in aerial combat over North Vienam. (U.S. Air Force Photo) “Brigadier General Robin Olds was one of the USAF’s most charismatic fighter pilots, achieving “ace” status during the Second World War. The son of a US Army Air Corps Brigadier General, Robin Olds was born on July…

RASMUSSEN, Philip M (#293)

…to 9,000 feet and spotted some Japanese ‘Val’ dive bombers and dived to attack them.” They received orders by radio to fly to Kaneohe Bay on the north-east side of the island and engaged 11 Japanese aircraft. Despite having a jammed .30 caliber gun and only limited capability with his…

SMITH, David E (#202)

…to carry out a co-ordinated bayonet charge, which succeeded on to the WESER crossing and LUNEBURG to finish up North East of LUBECK: earlier the BLACK WATCH bad been the first British BATTALION to set foot on German soil, Its CO, 5 years earlier, had been a Black Watch private….

CHRISTIE, Werner Hosewinckel (#165)

…Cdr Flying at Gardermoen. Gen Christie became Commandant of the RNoAF Staff College and was NATO’s Cdr Allied TAF North Norway in Jan68 and Cdr AAF South Norway in May71.’ [ARP] Werner Christie (left) instructing fellow Norwegian pilots Erik Hagen and Bjørn Ræder at RAF Catterick in 1942. (Public domain)…

HOLDER, Paul (#191)

…the relief of the siege, Holder was posted home where, in November 1941, he received command of No 218, a Wellington bomber squadron shortly to be re-equipped with four-engine Stirling heavy bombers at Marham in Norfolk. His first sorties were against the battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, sheltering in the heavily…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…Operations Headquarters before joining SAS as intelligence officer. Prisoner of war severely injured trying to escape. SPECIAL OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE, & Cols Airey NEAVE & James LANGLEY, MI9 ESCAPE & EVASION & + father SEARCHLIGHT & A/A DEFENCE. #43 Macleod FORSYTH Company Sergeant Major Macleod FORSYTH MM Order of the Red…

CURRAN, Samuel (#182)

…atomic bomb. He was also a man of great breadth of vision and energy, who was deeply concerned about the interaction of science and technology with the wider world. Rutherford Curran was born in Ballymena. Northern Ireland, of Scots and Irish parentage. At Glasgow University, he gained a First In…

STORK, J Royden (#301)

…War Hutchinson 1987). Without the Tokyo Raiders, would the Imperial Japanese Navy have embarked on what led to the Battles of Coral Sea and Midway? Col James Doolittle won a Medal of Honor for the Raid, the USS Hornet CV-8 would be sunk in the Battle of Santa Cruz, receiving…

BETHGE, Dietrich (#290)

…his views, even among friends, and that “it was about time to go for a while into the desert”, but Barth regarded this as running away from the real battle. He sharply rebuked Bonhoeffer that “I can only reply to all the reasons and excuses which you put forward: ‘And…

BRISTOW, Conrad Phillip (#250)

…the Battle of Jutland (Flt Lt RUTLAND & Asst Paymaster TREWIN Observer praised highly by BEATTY, May16) and in the Dardanelles Campaign had been. the first aircraft ever to sink an enemy ship bv using a torpedo; Philip during WW2 was in FACTORY PRODUCTION & SENIOR AIR RAID & CIVIL…

BROWN, Richard (#295)

…2 engines at Halton. Beyond on his first two weeks at MANSTON he was under attack before being posted up to join 43(F) Squadron HURRICANES at Wick in Spring 1940 ahead of.its return to TANGMERE on 31st May to experience that intensive Battle of Britain period of those many attacks…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

“Ian Maclennan is one of those men who make Canada tick” Photo by Chris Sant Fournier (Times of Malta) “Flight Lieutenant Ian MacLennan…was one of the last surviving fighter “aces” who engaged in fierce air battles during the Siege of Malta to secure the island’s survival. Malta George Cross by…

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