198 results found for: Prisoners of War (Pows)

Search results for: Prisoners of War (Pows)

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DAW, John (#195)

…blue, green and dark blue of the ARMY’s RQYAL CORPS of SIGNALS, by 1945 165.000 strong (9% ATS); war service from POLAND (his group was met by Gen. Carton de Wiart VC DS0, Belgian born, twice wounded in the Boer War, eye lost WW1 East Africa in 1914, then 8…

JOYCE, Austin P (#190)

…Major during Korean War, an Irish son brought up in Yorkshire & eldest of 9, for the wide, weighty service of the Guards Regiments in general and here, the Welsh Guards in particular, throughout so many campaigns and hard-won battle honours in both world wars. Bob earned a Pacific Star…

CURTIS, Lawrence (#260)

Squadron Leader Larry Curtis flew more than 70 bombing operations during the Second World War and had the very unusual distinction for a wireless operator of earning two DFCs. He had already completed two bomber tours when he arrived on No 617 Squadron in July 1943 as one of the…

MOLINARI, Mario (#217)

…Petro AQUILA NERA, 1 DIVIZIONE VAL D’ARDA) “VALDARDA” (near PIACENZA) under Comandante PRATI from Comune di MORFASSO, which, on 23May44, was the very first municipality occupied (announced on the BBC 26May44, where, post-war, he would work) by PARTISANS – mainly in the upper Valley of ARDA, he was useful, as…

PAVILLARD, Stanley S (#171)

…of lives, even though 17,000 Allied servicemen out of 70,000 would perish and 100,000 Asian lives were lost. Guided for his blind signature, this represents not only the FAR EAST PRISONERS of WAR but also, through his many years at St DUNSTAN’s, all those other BLINDED SERVICE MEN and WOMEN….

DROBINSKI, Boleslaw H (#19)

…Galland. SV Pan old papers that were printed at time of the Battle of Britain. CU Sign stuck onto broken window, ‘Business as Usual’. SV Looking through the window of models. CU Model of lady’s head with hat on. SV Elsie and Doris Waters looking in the window. SV War

LAMA, Ganju (#146)

…courage displayed by Ganju.” (David Wade) “May your target be fulfilled”   The untold story of the hero Gurkha Victoria Cross holders who helped win the war in Burma by General Sir Peter Duffell The Gurkha Museum Johnny Gurkha (1945) Produced by the Public Relations Film Unit India (Imperial War

CURRAN, Lady (#183)

…1940, in Swansea, where she was born of English parents (he had a Scots father and Irish mother). Much of her wartime and post-war scientific work was done working together with her husband in UK and the USA. Later they supported the Scottish Polish Cultural Association, having both admired that…

HAMILTON, Patrick M (#271)

…of Ceylon. Speaking at a dinner party at the British Embassy in America after the war, Winston Churchill called the attempted invasion of Ceylon as “the most dangerous moment of World War II” and that for him it “had caused the greatest alarm. Churchill had concluded that if the Japanese…

MacLENNAN, Roddie (#184)

…Captain Olander and his crew in the SWEDISH “Stureholm” were so impressed that, with permission, they broke convoy and went back, saving 65 but 191 died in ONE of the ROYAL-NAVY’S PROUDEST ACTIONS – a wartime film epic was made of this action’s consequence when 15 crew (under Lt A…

NEILSON, Ian G (#211)

…flying and staff talent, he was posted to form the second squadron, No 652, where he commanded B Flight. After VE Day, Neilson was promoted to lieutenant colonel and appointed CO of No 3 War Crimes Investigation Unit, based at Bad Oeynhausen, a testing, and often harrowing, job involving coordinating…

TWISS, L Peter (#309)

…enemy aircraft on Fulmar and Mosquito aircraft. By the time the war ended, he was a lieutenant-commander. After the war, Peter joined Fairey Aviation as a test pilot, where he would fly many new Fairey aircraft including the Primer, Gannet, Firefly and the Rotodyne compound-helicopter. In 1954, he started his…

STEVENS, Steve (#193)

…flying INSTRUCTOR in South Africa flew BEAUFIGHTERS in 19 SQUADRON SAA under Lt Col DON TILLEY in the ANTI-SHIPPING and STRIKE roles from ITALY and over ADRIATIC, as part of the BALKAN AIR FORCE. Post-war he flew in the BERLIN AIRLIFT, here signing for the wider operations of the SOUTH…

SQUANCE, Sidney J (#247)

…RN represents ALL ARTIFICERS, the CREWS of the BATTLESHIPS, and specifically the traditional role of NAVAL GUNNERY (with RN neglecting newer Cinderella “AIRCRAFT” &, with its powerful FLEET, having hoped to negotiate the SUBMARINES away by treaty interwar), here specifically its big 16″ GUNS (shell wt 2,0501b & range 39,100yds…


…for which he was awarded his first DFC in April 1943. In the war he flew over 170 operational sorties, many of which were on TYPHOONS as OC 181 Sqn (bar to DFC in August 1944). Later, for his long service between Aug44 and Apr45 as Wing Leader of 124…

BRISTOW, Conrad Phillip (#250)

…DEFENCE WARDEN. Born in Nov.1899, he joined the RNAS for war service at age 17 years 8 months at the Hotel Cecil in the Strand, going to Greenwich then Vendome near Tours for flying training on CAUDRON Gills then Curtiss J-4 Jenny (150 hp, bigger and heavier) – he would…

BRITTON, Arthur W (#305)

…the ANTI-AIRCRAFT ARTILLERY and the MIDDLESEX Regiment, TERRITORIALS, the 8th PUNJAB REGIMENT, the CHIN HILLS and GURKHA Battalions and, through his wife and her wartime service, that of the Red Cross VOLUNTARY AID DETACHMENT nursing services. Arthur’s service before his teaching years afterwards demonstrates the width of his experience and…

CASPERS, Loek NC (#162)

…many of her friends in the Vught Camp in the south of the country and also Auschwitz. ‘In the Province of Brabant only one of the eight civic leaders survived the war and “helping an Allied soldier carried the death penalty”, with ever present dangers and the fear of betrayal….

MANSER, Frank Stanley (#181)

…ARNHEM, the two brave DUTCH KLEE BROTHERS taken away and shot. Frank’s father was with the VETERINARY CORPS in WW1 but his mother died when he was one – he was a successful pre-war boxer, unbeaten in the Army, and his wife, EDNA, was a MUNITIONS WORKER throughout the war….

PIPER, AH (#5)

…London, but his training was incomplete when war broke out, so he qualified as an air gunner instead.   Blenheim bombers attack enemy vessel, just east of Le Touquet by David Rowlands Peter first saw operations in a Bristol Blenheim Mk.I squadron, No.236, based at North Coates. In March 1940,…

ALLINSON, Lawrence (#244)

…standards – most workers then had high status if they “worked in ‘ Vickers”. Larry had 51 years with VICKERS ARMSTRONG SHIPBUILDERS at the BARROW on Furness SHIPYARD and represents the massive importance of WARSHIP BUILDING in our national SEA POWER; the father and son worked on many famous WARSHIPS,…

War Widows & Family Losses

…Deptford (see also: ANTWERP’s V-2 BOMBING), one of the many millions of WAR CIVILIANS killed. #10 Bridie MURRAY Mrs Bridie MURRAY++ (née DAWSON) AIR MINISTRY & WAR WIDOW In memory of her husband, MOSQUITO observer Flying Officer Fergus Murray DFC (23 & 464 Sqns) & her brother, RAAF pilot Flying…

CRAVEN, Geoffrey (#255)

…the heart-lifting night surprise attack bv Captain Philip VIAN and HMS COSSACK on ALTMARK (the Graf Spee’s supply ship, which entered Norwegian waters). The rescue, “The Navy’s here”, at 2230hr and rapid release back of British merchant marine prisoners into HM Warships took place on Friday night, 16Feb40. Geoffrey’s DSC…

Naval & Naval Air

WARSHIPS, 10 MTBs & MGBs. Was at NARVIK, GUNNERY on HMS ‘KING GEORGE V’ & SINKING OF BISMARCK 27/28May41; MGBs, DESTROYER & ANZIO. Later represented all Polish war veterans in Britain. Representing POLAND (UK’s staunch ally lost almost 6 million, one sixth of her population – second only to Belarus’s…

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