141 results found for: Special Operations Executive (Soe)

Search results for: Special Operations Executive (Soe)

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CHRISTIE, Werner Hosewinckel (#165)

…Plans at 11 Group, he commanded 234 Sqn’s Mustangs on Bomber Escort operations, and became Wg Ldr 150 Mustang Wing in Feb45 and the Hunsdon Wing in Mar45, and later became a POW for a few days having baled out over Germany after destroying a FW190 NE of Berlin on…

DONNET, Michel GL (#157)

…and their officer training at Evere. After invasion, air operations in a chaotic environment, an attempted escape (his friend Lt Didier made thirteen!) and 6 months of incarceration, and a Jan41 release return to near Brussels, their plot was hatched in April and, not without many adventures, mishaps, setbacks and…

MUNRO, John (#201)

…AVENGER OPERATIONS (at times with pilot, later Vice-Adm Gus Halliday DSC) flying over HOME WATERS & the ATLANTIC (then often with Lt later Rear-Adm David KIRKE CB CBE RN), and later with the EAST INDIES FLEET for the important raids on the Songei Gerong PALEMBANG OIL REFINERY installations 29 Jan…

COX, John W (#298)

…appreciated. Though designed for high-altitude day bombing, in practice the B29 flew more low-altitude night incendiary bombing missions for the fire-bombing campaign. Their importance in mining operations of Japanese harbours, mostly at night, also had considerable strategic effect in limiting Japanese food supplies. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.were destroyed by the B-29…

OLDS, Robin (#97)

…duty in Vietnam, Olds was promoted to brigadier general and became the commandant of cadets at the US Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs. In February 1971 he became the Director of Aerospace Safety, but was soon restless to return to flying operations. He offered to drop a rank to…

AIDAN of SPROT (#205)

…muzzle!); back to EUROPE as the Regimental Honours at HILL 112, CAEN & FALAISE, winning his MC at the River ALLER crossing; had an end war race to the Baltic to forestall (by 8 hrs) Soviet Forces entering DENMARK; his main role was RECONNAISSANCE operations, in fast, light HONEY TANKS…

WEBB, Robert Walter (#252)

…and excellent record on DESTROYERS, a CORVETTE and a FRIGATE, in gunnery and as a HIGHER SUBMARINE DETECTOR,’ he signs for these ships’ defensive and offensive roles, specifically .for the development/ training and OPERATIONS of all NAVAL ASDIC OPERATORS. An extract from the Admiralty Honours & Awards letter 145/43 to…

WEST, Ferdinand (#28)

…ART 4637 West soon decided he wanted to be a pilot, and volunteered at any opportunity for sorties in order to accumulate an impressive total of flying hours as an observer, before applying for pilot training. By July 1917, he had flown over 100 hours in operations, and duly requested…

ELLIOTT, George M (#222)

…the 5th Battle Squadron leader at JUTLAND,, survived torpedo from U-30 28Dec39, in the BATTLE of CAPE MATAPAN 28Mar41; bombed off Crete (2 x 5001b) she had needed repairs in Durban; George had later wartime service with 601 FLOTILLA, COMBINED OPERATIONS, mainly with LANDING CRAFT provision and subsequent repair procedures….

NEILSON, Ian G (#211)

…the citation recognising that “most of the initial reconnaissance and preparation had fallen on his willing shoulders and as the success of subsequent operations showed, had been well carried out”. Ian Godfrey Neilson was born in Glasgow on December 4 1918 and attended Glasgow Academy before studying Law and Forensic…

STEVENS, Steve (#193)

…flying INSTRUCTOR in South Africa flew BEAUFIGHTERS in 19 SQUADRON SAA under Lt Col DON TILLEY in the ANTI-SHIPPING and STRIKE roles from ITALY and over ADRIATIC, as part of the BALKAN AIR FORCE. Post-war he flew in the BERLIN AIRLIFT, here signing for the wider operations of the SOUTH…

SUTTON, Thomas A (#308)

…of everything which sailors must do. He was commissioned into Combined Operations, the main choice in the Spring of 1943, with Dieppe having been and gone – other choices open at that time were Minesweepers, Gunnery and Wireless which included Asdic. Having been on a battleship with 1,600 men, Tom…

HEGLUND, Svein (#166)

…Montreal and 45 Atlantic Transport Group for six months, delivering three Mosquitos, two Bostons and a Mitchell to UK via Labrador, Greenland and Iceland. With help from Signatory 50, John “Cat’s Eyes” Cunningham, Svein was able to join No.85 Sqn’s long range Mosquito Night Fighter on deep Bomber Escort operations

Civilians and War Production

…Brusa signal-sharing agreement for UK. ALLIED CRYPTOGRAPHIC TEAMS, BLETCHLEY PARK Huts & ULTRA INTELLIGENCE. #98 Margaret Susan CHESHIRE Margaret Susan Cheshire (Lady SUE RYDER) Baroness of WARSAW, CMG OBE Volunteer for Special Operations Executive, and widow of [No. 31: Leonard CHESHIRE, q.v.] SOE’s (Gen. GUBBINS) ‘magnificent’ WOMEN’S TRANSPORT SERVICE of…

Battle of Britain VC

…VC (1917-1945) by Frank Thatcher; Royal Air Force Museum Just hours later, and three score miles away, Winston Churchill left RAF Uxbridge, where he’d been visiting the No 11 Group Operations Room, to monitor The Battle of Britain. No 11 Fighter Group’s Operations Room, Uxbridge by Charles Ernest Cundall (1943)…

The Editions

…Edition Battle of Britain VC by Robert Taylor To mark the inauguration of this project, there will be an initial release consisting of just twelve fully autographed originals of Battle of Britain VC – The Battle of Britain 80 Edition. Six are being made available at a special price of…

Naval & Naval Air

…“We were blown to the surface upside down!” (JUTLAND father, sister WAAF PARACHUTES), Specialist TORPEDO & SUBMARINE UNBEATEN, SEALION, SURF, N556, H34, UNRULY, VIGOROUS. #112 VBG CHEESMAN Major VBG ‘Teddy’ CHEESMAN DSO MBE DSC ROYAL MARINES Fought against TIRPITZ, TASKFORCE 57 +US & PACIFIC;WALRUS amphibian + lost & rescued RN…


…feet, many hands, and many intelligences” Aristotle, A Treatise on Government, Book III, Chapter XI This website was conceived, built, designed, and populated (up to a point; we’ve barely scratched the surface) in thirty-three (33) days. Only the combined operations, far beyond the call of duty, of the ‘Welsh wizard’…

War Widows & Family Losses

…Officer Ronald G DAWSON [KIA 21Mar45] on COPENHAGEN GESTAPO HQ RAID #1 Muriel NICOLSON Mrs Muriel NICOLSON++ WAR WIDOW of Wing Commander James NICOLSON VC DFC (the only RAF Fighter VC: 72 & 249 Squadrons, TURBINLITE, OC 27 Squadron BEAUFIGHTER operations over BURMA, (killed 2May45) ditched 355 Sqn Liberator. Representing…

SHEEN, Desmond FB (#88)

Group Captain Desmond F B SHEEN DFC* (5e/a) from Sydney, AUSTRALIA for BofB & 72 Sqn SPITFIRE operations, friend of Wing Commander JB ‘Nick’ NICOLSON VC DFC & Representing the support of DOMINION AIR FORCES….

BABINGTON-SMITH, Constance (#180)

Flight Officer Constance BABINGTON-SMITH MBE Legion of Merit FRSL Leading wartime PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETER (IMAGERY INTELLIGENCE) with brilliant V-1 ramps discovery & much else Representing PHOTOGRAPHIC RECONNAISSANCE, vital in ground, naval & air operations

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