138 results found for: Taranto (Battle of)

Search results for: Taranto (Battle of)

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HAMILTON, Patrick M (#271)

…fleet had succeeded, they would have controlled the Indian Ocean. The British lost over 400 men and the County class cruisers, HMS Cornwall and Dorsetshire, to air attack. During 1942 until after the turning point Battle of El Alamein the fear of Hitler’s overrunning Egypt had also been an added…

ROWLANDS, John (#83)

…of the Second World War, RAF bomb disposal personnel had dealt with some 175,000 weapons of British, Allied and enemy origin in Britain and Europe. The BD squads were in the front line of a battle between the British and German scientists, and sometimes enormous risks had to be taken…

LLOYD-OWEN, David (#273)

…where it was trained for a new role in mountain warfare. However, it was then unexpectedly posted to the Aegean. There it took part in the battle for Leros, where Lloyd Owen’s predecessor as CO, Jake Easonsmith, was killed. The MV LA PALMA in Bari harbour. She was one of…

RUMBOLD, Kenneth (#188)

…between 27 Nov and 9 Dec 1941. As an engine mechanic, earlier he had been posted to No.73 SQUADRON in the BATTLE of FRANCE and. eventually was evacuated from St Nazaire, fortunate not to join 30 of HIS FRIENDS lost among the three.thousand dead from the 5,800 embarked on the…

DAW, John (#195)

…times wounded and VC 1918; active WW2 inc.POW escape & Churchill’s Chiang Kai-shek adviser!) during the German invasion Sep39, serving then in the BATTLE of FRANCE, with the 9th LANCERS in NORTH AFRICA, the KRRC, 3 DIV and 1 DIV, up into AUSTRIA, on to valuable work in Northern IRELAND,…

DUNN, Patrick Hunter (#15)

…involved in two dogfights near Bir Zigdin el-Hamra and Sidi el Barrani. In the first, the RAF claimed three SM 79s destroyed and two damaged, with Dunn having a share in one. The second was a huge aerial battle, involving at least 19 Italian aircraft and two squadrons of Hurricanes,…

BARKER, John Lindsay (#307)

…Barker replied: “I am not in the habit of carrying one in my personal kit when on operations.” For his services in the Far East, he was appointed CBE. The son of a doctor who had served at the Battle of Jutland, John Lindsay Barker was born at Hull on…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…1943 Ercolani went to the newly-formed No 355 Squadron. He flew many sorties deep into enemy territory, some involving a round trip of 2,000 miles, to destroy the supply networks used to reinforce and support the Burma battlefield. An important and frequent target was the Siam-Burma railway built by Allied…

BURBRIDGE, Bransome A (#103)

…initially registered as a conscientious objector, but he later felt an increasing unease about his position and in September 1940 he joined the RAF. By October 1941 he had completed his training as a night fighter pilot and joined No 85 Squadron, commanded by the Battle of Britain ace, Peter…

BURN, Michael C (#86)

…biggest German battleship, Tirpitz – was characterised by Burn’s commanding officer as “the sauciest job since Drake”. St Nazaire: HMS Campbelltown resting on the wall it would soon destroy The mission – to deny its use to the biggest German battleship, Tirpitz – was characterised by Burn’s commanding officer as…

LEIGHTON-PORTER, Arthur (#151)

…[No. 150] Chrystabel ‘Jane’ Leighton-Porter. Repesenting RAF Rocket-firing Typhoons, so important in NW Europe’s Liberation against enemy armour. The husband of ‘Jane’ (c.f. 150), whose marital links – both were brought up in Southampton (above whose docks the ‘Battle of Britain VC’ at the heart of the print was won)…

CALVERT, J Michael (#152)

…Air Service troops and ex-Long Range Desert Group officer in Colchester including discussion on intelligence; opinion of use of intelligence and Special Air Service; attitude of troops on arrival; preparation of troops for battle; method of army’s advance north, 1/1945; morale and casualties; details and use of armoured jeeps; memories…

MACLENNAN, Ian R (#128)

“Ian Maclennan is one of those men who make Canada tick” Photo by Chris Sant Fournier (Times of Malta) “Flight Lieutenant Ian MacLennan…was one of the last surviving fighter “aces” who engaged in fierce air battles during the Siege of Malta to secure the island’s survival. Malta George Cross by…


To mark the 80th Anniversary of Battle of Britain Day, an inaugural ‘Battle of Britain 80 Edition of twelve historic Battle of Britain VC signed originals are being released for the first time, with all profits going to the three service benevolent charities:…

British Army and Commonwealth & Allied Armies

…MONMOUTHSHIRE & SOUTH WALES BORDERERS Regt WELSH DIV #236 Patrick CLEERE Major Patrick ‘Paddy’ CLEERE MBE DCM 22Jan41 TOBRUK (2nd DCM papers lost), from EIRE Co Kilkenny 1933 @16, 7th Q’s OWN HUSSARS, SGT1939; survived very many TANK BATTLES W.DESERT, ITALY (bro. lost), & BURMA #220 JM COOPER Lieutenant Colonel…

Civilians and War Production


WW1 Signatories

…#250 Phillip BRISTOW Pilot (Seaplane) Lieutenant Conrad Phillip BRISTOW Joined RNAS in 1917 & left in 1919 as a Flight Lieutenant RAF. Flew SHORT 184 seaplanes over (936 made, in Battle of Jutland 1, one 1st torpedo sinking) 2 years: 230lb bomb (+ 2 pigeons), ANTI-SUBMARINE RECCE 406, 442 Flts…


Web Development Ash Whitney Graphic Design Chris Heaton Assembly John Pollock | Michael J Hawkins | Claude Grunspan | David Wade | Charles CV Hyde | Frank Lennox-Millard Major Sources The Imperial War Museums British Pathe Wikipedia The Battle of Britain London Monument A Note on Other Sources & Credits:…

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