181 results found for: Gliders (Pilot Regiment, Towing, Operations)

Search results for: Gliders (Pilot Regiment, Towing, Operations)

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MELLERSH, Francis RL (#51)

…sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. (by BEAUFIGHTERS & by MOSQUITO), son of Air Vice Marshal Sir Francis Mellersh, RFC Sopwith Camel pilot (5 e/a) against ‘Red Baron’ Manfred von Richthofen…

LOCKWOOD, Geoffrey (#194)

…ROYAL AIR FORCE’s MARINE CRAFT and AIR SEA RESCUE SERVICE which saved many Allied lives during its wartime service including D-Day, the morale effect of SAVING DITCHED AIRCREW returning from raids was considerable; to quote two of Geoffrey’s many sea rescues:- he saved Co-Pilot, 2nd Lt T H DAVIS &…

JONES, Don (#267)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Warrant Officer Pilot Don JONES covers the…

MASLEN-JONES, Edward (#285)

…in 119 Field Regiment in Northern Ireland before starting flying training at the Elementary FTS at Hatfield and then for operational training at Old Sarum before being posted to 656 Sqn after Wings in February 1943. The squadron under Major Denis Coyle embarked in August from Liverpool and reached Bombay…

DAW, John (#195)

…serving then in the BATTLE of FRANCE, with the 9th LANCERS in NORTH AFRICA, the KRRC, 3 DIV and 1 DIV, up into AUSTRIA, on to valuable work in Northern IRELAND, 3Syrs later; his wife MARGARET’s father had been a WW1 Old Contemptible, SGT Bill GREGORY of the WILTSHIRE REGIMENT….

PETRIE, Frederick J (#263)

…in the LIBERATION of North West EUROPE. His own role as a SAPPER was with the 553 FIELD COMPANY. ROYAL ENGINEERS (part of 130 BRIGADE, with its constituent 7th ROYAL HAMPSHIRES. 4th and 5th DORSETS and 112 Field Regiment ROYALARTILLERY) was mainly in MINE CLEARANCE at NORMANDY (24-26June toJul 1944)…

CLEERE, Patrick (#236)

…after his A9 and A10 CRUISER 2 Pounders. the Regiment were soon embarked 26Jan42 for Singapore, then diverted to an almost deserted RANGOON -after a patrol to PEGU 25Feb42, he was involved in many skirmishes, including the battle of PROME Roadblock, at THADODAN. then KYAUKSE in April on the RETREAT…

WOOLNOUGH, James A (#230)

…MEDAL was won seconded to the KING Is OWN YORKSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY at ANZIO. His fighting was up through ITALY, especially heavy at the GOT d LINEY where he was with his own Regiment, the KING’s ROYAL RIFLE CORP (1958 became 2nd Bn ROYAL GREEN JACKETS), whose 159 OFFICERS and…

de CLARENS, Vicomtesse (#161)

…indispensable to vital operations beyond the reach of science and that there can be no substitute for human courage “in the defense of freedom.”” (R. James Woolsey, Director, CIA, in a speech honouring ‘Amniarix’) New York Times obituary After five decades, a spy tells her tale by David Ignatius, Washington…

BROADHURST, Harry (#22)

…83 Group Allied Expeditionary Air Force in 1944-45. THE ROYAL AIR FORCE IN THE LIBYAN DESERT, MAY 1943 (© IWM TR 817) A Royal Air Force station headquarters in the West African desert showing tents and a Bristol Beaufighter aircraft in the distance. Royal Air Force pilots of No 252…

CHRISTIE, Werner Hosewinckel (#165)

…Plans at 11 Group, he commanded 234 Sqn’s Mustangs on Bomber Escort operations, and became Wg Ldr 150 Mustang Wing in Feb45 and the Hunsdon Wing in Mar45, and later became a POW for a few days having baled out over Germany after destroying a FW190 NE of Berlin on…

CHOWDRI, Abdul Bashir (#228)



…Wing consisting of 181,182, 247 and 137 Squadrons, his DSO reflected his leadership on “tank busting” operations including the FALAISE pocket and invaluable close air support right up to the RHINE CROSSING.. Near Wesel he was shot down by flak but force-landed on an island, where he was captured but…

AIDAN of SPROT (#205)

…muzzle!); back to EUROPE as the Regimental Honours at HILL 112, CAEN & FALAISE, winning his MC at the River ALLER crossing; had an end war race to the Baltic to forestall (by 8 hrs) Soviet Forces entering DENMARK; his main role was RECONNAISSANCE operations, in fast, light HONEY TANKS…

ANNAND, Richard W (#44)

“Captain Dickie Annand, who died on Christmas Eve aged 90, won the Army’s first Victoria Cross of the Second World War when serving with the 2nd Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, in Belgium in May 1940. Dickie Annand VC On May 15, 2 DLI was in a defensive position on…

STEVENS, Steve (#193)

…flying INSTRUCTOR in South Africa flew BEAUFIGHTERS in 19 SQUADRON SAA under Lt Col DON TILLEY in the ANTI-SHIPPING and STRIKE roles from ITALY and over ADRIATIC, as part of the BALKAN AIR FORCE. Post-war he flew in the BERLIN AIRLIFT, here signing for the wider operations of the SOUTH…

WEBB, Robert Walter (#252)

…and excellent record on DESTROYERS, a CORVETTE and a FRIGATE, in gunnery and as a HIGHER SUBMARINE DETECTOR,’ he signs for these ships’ defensive and offensive roles, specifically .for the development/ training and OPERATIONS of all NAVAL ASDIC OPERATORS. An extract from the Admiralty Honours & Awards letter 145/43 to…

WALTER, AE Mervyn (#232)

…the Port Facility (b) To discharge ships over GOLD, JUNO and SWORD BEACHES (c) To repair and operate the PORTS of OUISTREHAM and PORT-en-BESSIN, and, if possible, the OUISTREHAM 1 CAEN CANAL” *Chief of Combined Operations Born in 1907 out in Taungoo, BURMA, where his Father was seconded to the…

SUTTON, Thomas A (#308)

…of everything which sailors must do. He was commissioned into Combined Operations, the main choice in the Spring of 1943, with Dieppe having been and gone – other choices open at that time were Minesweepers, Gunnery and Wireless which included Asdic. Having been on a battleship with 1,600 men, Tom…

ELLIOTT, George M (#222)

…the 5th Battle Squadron leader at JUTLAND,, survived torpedo from U-30 28Dec39, in the BATTLE of CAPE MATAPAN 28Mar41; bombed off Crete (2 x 5001b) she had needed repairs in Durban; George had later wartime service with 601 FLOTILLA, COMBINED OPERATIONS, mainly with LANDING CRAFT provision and subsequent repair procedures….

AKHMETOV, Adil (#296)

…four brothers and it was he who helped bring him up, all four having been in the Soviet infantry. One uncle, wounded and weakened from his war service, would die on the return journey to his home and another relative, his much older cousin, would be killed as a pilot….

McDOWELL, L Patricia T (#167)

…became friends with one of them, Sergeant Ulf Wormdal from Hamar, who was to be the Norwegian 331 Squadron’s first loss, as a fighter pilot on the Orkney Islands in March 1942.’ (Aftenposten obituary, behind paywall]. ‘[No. 166: Svein Heglund’s wife to be]. Canadian Army Nurse, praises Lady Astor’s help,…

ROWLANDS, John (#83)

…at the outbreak of war, Rowlands joined the RAF Volunteer Reserve. He did his armament engineering training at RAF Manby, in Lincolnshire, and his pilot training at Tern Hill. From early 1940 to October 1943 Rowlands was with T Arm 4 (later re-designated 0.10 BD) at the Air Ministry, dealing…

HANBURY BROWN, Robert (#196)

…built a simple optical intensity interferometer as a pilot model, using two former Army searchlight mirrors as light collectors, and successfully demonstrated the technique with the measurement of the angular diameter of Sirius. The way was then clear to plan a sophisticated interferometer which would measure a significant number of…

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