204 results found for: Formosa (Air Battle)

Search results for: Formosa (Air Battle)

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KUBAREV, Vassili (#281)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Vassili KUBAREV for the SOVIET AIR FORCE…

COOPER, JM (#220)

…DCM & 3 MiDs of SCOTS GUARDS 8 GUARDS COMMANDO, original L Detachmant SPECIAL AIR SERVICE (later 1 SAS, 21 SAS, 22 SAS & GREEN HOWARDS), as desert driver/navigator with Lt to Lt Col David STIRLING on first SMALL SCALE raids, parallel with Paddy MAYNE’S 15 minute destruction of 20…

KIGHTLEY, Eric (#23)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Air gunner & one of the only…

LATCHUGIN, Colonel (#121)

…biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. SOVIET AIR FORCE, and especially for its TRANSPORT and TACTICAL AIRBORNE FORCES, during the EASTERN FRONT from 1941-45….

O’BRIEN, Terence P (#147)

…sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Author from NSW, AUSTRALIA, RAF BALLOON COMMAND & two pilot 1940/41 COASTAL BLENHEIM tours, later CHINDIT Air Liaison, 357 SD Sqn FORCE 136 + SEAC….

CAUCHI, Michael (#262)

…Valour for his participation in 31 Sqn SOUTH AFRICAN AIR FORCE Liberatqrs on the dangerous supply drop support missions for the WARSAW UPRISING by 205 Group; he also flew on the Romanian PLOESTI OIL attacks and River DANUBE MINJNG operational sorties; he also represents the outstanding importance, valour and service…

BUDGETT, Nancy (#136)

Alan Pollock’s Rough Notes: A work in progress – the fuller biographies will emerge in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. WOMEN’S WAR WORK; AIR RAID PRECAUTIONS WARDENS,…

MELLERSH, Francis RL (#51)

…sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. (by BEAUFIGHTERS & by MOSQUITO), son of Air Vice Marshal Sir Francis Mellersh, RFC Sopwith Camel pilot (5 e/a) against ‘Red Baron’ Manfred von Richthofen…

BOON, GW (#56)

…Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. BOMBER Command FLIGHT ENGINEER, AIRCREW ASSOCIATION late Hon. Sec. for many years. Representing the role of WARTIME AIRCREW, of every aircraft, role and vintage, & AIR TRAINING CORPS  …


…due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. NORTH WEALD Wg Ldr + NORWEGIAN SPITFIRES, Wing Commander No.244 Wing in the DESERT AIR FORCE & ITALIAN CAMPAIGN + 324 Wing…

SALTARELLI, Gene (#125)

…in due course: please sign up to the Newsletter (bottom of the page) and we’ll let you know when we’ve done more justice in writing up our extraordinary signatories. Pilot for returning LIBERATOR CREW of 466th HEAVY BOMBARDMENT GROUP & ALL USAAF BOMBER &.B-24 LIBERATOR AIR and GROUND TECHNICIAN CREWS…

DAW, John (#195)

…times wounded and VC 1918; active WW2 inc.POW escape & Churchill’s Chiang Kai-shek adviser!) during the German invasion Sep39, serving then in the BATTLE of FRANCE, with the 9th LANCERS in NORTH AFRICA, the KRRC, 3 DIV and 1 DIV, up into AUSTRIA, on to valuable work in Northern IRELAND,…

STRONG, Albert (#231)

…forward, he needed to understand evolving actions on the battlefield and experienced first-hand the fierce fighting in ITALY. Here a signatory for the steady breaching of the strong GOTHIC LINE, scene of GALLANT, DIFFICULT and COSTLY FIGHTING, as well as the changing fortunes of war; he witnessed the tragic loss…

de CLARENS, Vicomtesse (#161)

…and sent to three concentration camps. ‘I teased them, taunted then, looked at them wide-eyed, insisted that they must be mad when they spoke of the astounding new weapon that flew over vast distances, much faster than any airplane. I kept saying: ‘What you are telling me cannot be true!’…

MACKINTOSH, Robert (#203)

…for Burma, switched to MIDEAST threat) in 152 BRIGADE with some 2nd Bn CAMERONs (F.M.Auchinleck “Their name had become a legend”) & 5th & 2nd SEAFORTHS; fought at EL ALAMEIN with 2 PDR in ANTI-TANK SUPPORT & then 1,500 miles westwards, via the BATTLES of MARETH LINE, WADI AKARIT etc…

GOUGH, Herbert G (#229)

…NAVAL FORTS off PORTSMOUTH, as part of defences against enemy E-Boats or Destroyers, also 45 FORTRESS Coy at Southampton; embarked on AQUITANIA, he went to PORT SAID, Kantara and first active service was in PALESTINE, then TUNISIA, the BATTLE of CRETE, NORTH AFRICA, EIGHTH ARMY’s MARETH LINE & the BATTLES…

FOSTER, Bill (#265)

…Wessex HAA Regiment ROYAL ARTILLERY and the 214 SOUTHSEA BATTERY signs for the key role under threat of GERMAN INVASION of the HEAVY ANTI AIRCRAFT REGIMENTS. Surprisingly the roots of this unit when re-embodied in 1939 went back to 5 May, 1860 ‘when the Corps of Artillery Volunteers (Garrison) was…

BURBRIDGE, Bransome A (#103)

…Herget survived. Ten days later Burbridge claimed another Junkers 88, but debris from the enemy aircraft hit his radiator forcing him to return to base on one engine. By September, flying a more advanced Mosquito, the pair were to achieve an astonishing run of success over Germany. It began on…

LEIGHTON-PORTER, Arthur (#151)

…[No. 150] Chrystabel ‘Jane’ Leighton-Porter. Repesenting RAF Rocket-firing Typhoons, so important in NW Europe’s Liberation against enemy armour. The husband of ‘Jane’ (c.f. 150), whose marital links – both were brought up in Southampton (above whose docks the ‘Battle of Britain VC’ at the heart of the print was won)…

ERCOLANI, Lucian (#215)

…to attack Berlin. The target was obscured by cloud, and Ercolani dropped his high-explosive bombs but decided not to release the incendiaries as, if dropped in the wrong place, they might cause confusion for the following aircraft. Over Munster on the return journey, his aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft fire,…

LAMA, Ganju (#146)

…his life. After training the 7th Gurkhas were posted to Imphal in Burma in 1943 where they took part in operations against the Japanese. Soldiers at the Battle of Imphal Ganju won his first major decoration, the Military Medal, after his unit surprised a Japanese formation on the Tiddim road…

LEIGHTON-PORTER, Chrystabel (#150)

…blonde, Mrs Chrystabel Leighton-Porter took over from the original, Mary (Norman’s wife), and the cartoon strip symbolised, like Dame Vera Lynn’s voice over the airwaves, those strong intangible bonds between the young soldiers, sailors and airmen of the overseas fighting fronts, and the often equally involved Home Front of sweethearts,…

JOYCE, Austin P (#190)

…Major during Korean War, an Irish son brought up in Yorkshire & eldest of 9, for the wide, weighty service of the Guards Regiments in general and here, the Welsh Guards in particular, throughout so many campaigns and hard-won battle honours in both world wars. Bob earned a Pacific Star…

GALBRAITH, William P (#297)

…all time attempting to end the war early by dropping Allied troops behind enemy lines into the Netherlands. The 101st Airborne Division was attached to the First British Airborne Division as also was the 82nd Airborne Division and the Polish 1st Independent Parachute Brigade. in the FIRST ALLIED AIRBORNE ARMY….

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