30 August 2020

SPOONER, AR Tony (#52)

MALTA GC Assn, COASTAL COMMAND, author books on RECCE Wing Commander ADRIAN WARBURTON DSO* DFC** + Terry BULLOCH [73] + Sir Ivor BROOM [74]
30 August 2020

ROWLANDS, John (#83)

Air Marshal Sir John ROWLANDS GC KBE Representing the continuing vital role of GROUND ARMAMENT & BOMB DISPOSAL, A.R.P. and the CIVIL DEFENCE in minimising BLITZ bombing effects & V-1 & V-2 casualties
30 August 2020

POCOCK, Donald A (#108)

Served Western Desert, Middle East and Balkans, founder member ROYAL AIR FORCE REGIMENT (formed 8 Jan and 12 Feb 1942). Representing ROYAL AIR FORCE REGIMENT / Tactical GROUND DEFENCE of RAF AIRFIELDS
30 August 2020

MITCHELL, John B (#69)

Wartime ROYAL & VIP flights, inc. CHURCHILL to YALTA & other flights. Representing TRANSPORT COMMAND & OBSERVERS and ALL NAVIGATOR AIRCREW
30 August 2020

LEWIN, Baron (#111)

30 August 2020

KETTLEWELL, Marion (#134)

1938: back from Canada & London social work, 1941 joined Wrens Representing WOMEN’s ROYAL NAVAL SERVICE war work & in memory of brothers (KING’S AFRICAN RIFLES & RAF)
30 August 2020

JELLICOE, George (#105)

(son of Viscount Jellicoe: JUTLAND 31 May 1916) Representing COLDSTREAM GUARDS and in memory of Sir David STIRLING, 1 SAS, and the early SPECIAL BOAT SERVICE
30 August 2020

FOOT, MRD (#140)

Military historian, and official historian of the Special Operations Executive. Commissioned into a Royal Engineers searchlight battalion, units transferred to Royal Artillery. Served at Combined Operations Headquarters before joining SAS as intelligence officer. Prisoner of war severely injured trying to escape. SPECIAL OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE, & Cols Airey NEAVE & James LANGLEY, MI9 ESCAPE & EVASION & + father SEARCHLIGHT & A/A DEFENCE.
30 August 2020

CHESHIRE, Margaret Susan (#98)

Volunteer for Special Operations Executive, and widow of [No. 31: Leonard CHESHIRE, q.v.]. SOE’s (Gen. GUBBINS) ‘magnificent’ WOMEN’S TRANSPORT SERVICE of the FANY
30 August 2020

BEETHAM, Michael (#33)

One of the few bomber pilots to survive the BATTLE of BERLIN, 50, 57 & 35 Sqns later 82 Recce & CO Valiant 214 Squadron & Chief of Air Staff
30 August 2020

CUTLER, Roden (#72)

Recipient of the Victoria Cross. For: AUSTRALIA, the DOMINIONS & ROYAL ARTILLERY, gallantry at Merj Ayoun Jun41 & Damour SYRIA, lost leg; post war diplomat NSW Governor
29 August 2020

PORTEOUS, Patrick A (#93)

Recipient of the Victoria Cross. ROYAL ARTILLERY, son of Brig.9th GHURKAS, RMA WOOLWICII, BEF 39/40, 6th AA REGIMENT; wounded, Ied attack` For: DIEPPE, CANADIAN & all Casualties 19 August 1942
29 August 2020

OULTON, Wilfrid E (#70)

(2 U Boats destroyed) Obituary in The Independent MiD*** Representing pre-War and WW2’s COASTAL COMMAND’s long RAF/RN ANTI-U BOAT JOINT BATTLE of ATLANTIC
29 August 2020

McCAIG, Dennis (#76)

Was Hon Sec Nos 1, 56 & 249 Sqn Assns, from FIJI, 249 SPITFIRES & 118 Sqn MUSTANGS in ITALIAN CAMPAIGN shot down & POW 1945; later 33 & 5 Sqns.
29 August 2020

COX, Charles (#80)

RAF, flew and parachuted with 43 and Major General John ‘Johnny’ D FROST on BRUNEVAL RAID (Operation Biting), the PARAS’ first Battle Honour, to dismantle & retrieve this German radar. Representing GROUND RADAR
29 August 2020

BULLOCH, Terence (#73)

Born in Ulster. Terry’s crew had the top U BOAT kills of 4 U-Boats + 4 damaged; tracked 26, attacked 18. In memory of NZ Nick ENSOR (2+) and representing COASTAL COMMAND
29 August 2020

BROWN, Eric M (#42)

World record number of aircraft types, including German, flown. Representing NAVAL AVIATION & DEVELOPMENT TEST FLYING
29 August 2020

BROOM, Ivor (#74)

Born in Cardiff. BLENHEIM & MOSQUITO LOW LEVEL STRIKE & LNSF PFF; AOC MALTA commissioned him on 107 Sqn when all officers killed or missing
29 August 2020

PIPER, AH (#5)

Squadron Leader AH ‘Peter’ PIPER DFC 236 Squadron BLENHEIMS. Peter re-trained as a pilot and flew transport supply. Representing all other aircrew, and non-fighter aircraft types, in and beyond the BATTLE OF BRITAIN.
29 August 2020

NEIL, Thomas F (#102)

Wing Commander Thomas F ‘Ginger’ NEIL DFC DFC* AFC AE (17 e/a) 249 Sqn HURRICANES, BATTLE of BRITAIN, then to MALTA in May off ARK ROYAL to Dec4l; in l944 shared 16 e/a strafed + USAF 9th AIR FORCE Representing the NIGHT-FIGHTER WAR Wing Commander Bransome A ‘Branse’ BURBRIDGE DSO* DF'C* DFC (US) (21 e/a & 3 V-1s) Top scorer, with Sqn Ldr FS ‘Bill’ SKELTON, on MOSQUITO in UK and 100 GROUP long range support
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