Web Development

Ash Whitney

Graphic Design

Chris Heaton


John Pollock | Michael J Hawkins | Claude Grunspan | David Wade | Charles CV Hyde | Frank Lennox-Millard

Major Sources

The Imperial War Museums

British PatheWikipediaWikipedia

The Battle of Britain London Monument

A Note on Other Sources & Credits: Please let us know if we’ve got something wrong or failed to give credit where it’s due:
we’ve tried our best, but needs must.

“each person brings in his share of virtue and wisdom; and thus, coming together,
they are like one man made up of a multitude, with many feet, many hands, and many intelligences”
Aristotle, A Treatise on Government, Book III, Chapter XI

This website was conceived, built, designed, and populated (up to a point; we’ve barely scratched the surface) in thirty-three (33) days. Only the combined operations, far beyond the call of duty, of the ‘Welsh wizard’ web developer Ash Whitney in particular and of graphic design genius Chris Heaton made it even possible. The enthusiastic support of writer Michael J Hawkins in Bratislava and Claude Grunspan in Paris on WordPress, alongside Yorkshire-level work by David Wade and rear-guard support from Charlie Hyde and his troop, currently on manoeuvres in various University towns helped made a yomp more than tolerable. Needless to say, without Alan Pollock, none of this would exist. In turn, his ‘Commanding Officer’ Patricia, daughter Alison, son Duncan, and nephew Jason have also stepped up. Alongside many others, Tim Sevenoaks, Justin Doherty, Dominick Donald, Simon Shepherd, Dominic Nicholls, and the Telegraph Obituaries Team, provided much appreciated supported at various times.